Advantage and disadvantage between Hub and Switch

Figure: Hub
Hub Advantages

  • A hub allows you connect clients to share and conversations with a network protocol analyser.
  • A hub also can modulate signal of the cable, if needed.
  •  Using hub save money because switches are costly then hub.
Hub Disadvantages:
  • Hub can’t control traffic of data. Cause it receive all attachment post.
  •  Hubs have limited port to connect client, so it is not suitable for large network.
  •   It works as a query system. When NIC send a work to the hub then hub make this work pending and process one by one. So it’s time consuming.

Figure: Switch
 Switch Advantages

  • Client Performance: Because any given system attached to a switch sees only information explicitly addressed to its NIC, there is less overhead time spent throwing away packets that it does not need to read.
  • Higher Throughput: Because only relevant traffic is sent down any given network port, each NIC gets its own packets delivered to the switch independently of each other NIC attached to that switch. This means a switch can manage a larger total volume of data in transit at any given time.

Switch Disadvantages:

Switch: Unless the switch is expensive enough to include "port mirroring" capability, a sniffer is of limited use on a switch because the switch automatically filters out the traffic the sniffer would like to get.


Unknown said...

information is very helpful but text is not visible

Talha Ahmad said...
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Unknown said...

you are a very clever man, so clever that you put the font colour the same as the background colour.

razik said...

stupid content

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